About us

Travis,   Andrea,   Christy,   Dave,   Tracy,   Isaac

We are Dave and Christy Johnson, we have been serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 2006.

We served in Ethiopia from 2007 - 2020.  Our four children have grown up in Ethiopia, and call it home, even though they are US citizens and they are now living in the US.  

After hearing about how many people around the world do not have Scripture in their own language, we decided to assist Bible Translation in support roles.  We joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 2006 and we were open to God's direction to send us where our skills would be best utilized.  It was soon revealed to us that Ethiopia had needs for both of us.  Being a PE teacher, Christy found a good fit teaching at Bingham Academy, a Christian International School in Addis Ababa.  Dave joined the work of SIL Ethiopia by serving Bible translation teams by creating Scripture media materials in their languages.

Since 2019, Dave has been serving with Kalaam Media, supporting language communites across the globe with digital publication.

In 2020, we will be finishing our last term in Ethiopia, as God has called us to leave and be closer to our children who are in University.   The work of Wycliffe Bible Translators is still in our hearts and we will support this from wherever God plants us.  For the time being this is California.  

During our Home Assignment, Dave is working with Wycliffe's Internet Publishing Service.  The aim of this service is to support Bible translators, church planters, and parachurch organizations by training and helping them to build websites in their own languages which promote and distribute Scripture digitally.  Dave is also supporting the work of media in other areas of Bible Translation globally.


Partner With US

Arriving in Ethiopia in 2007



Finishing our time in Ethiopia 2020